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Arylon DM's Options | ![]() |
Type of building: A four-story, converted, stonework warehouse with a stable to the side for the patron's mounts.
Business conducted in the building: A standard fare equipment shop with
a curious or rare goods-finding service; also has a taproom and inn
Owner: Tennirra Arcsylver
Number and Types of employees:
2 barkeeps (dwarves)
1 shopkeep (halfling)
20 female servants (5 each of human, elf, half-elf, halfling)
3 smiths (dwarves)
2 furriers
5 stablehands (human males, ages: 8,10,11,13,16)
8 armor golems (bouncers, treat as fighter/ level 4)
Description of building:
It has a dark grey, almost black stone exterior that is smooth up
to the third floor, where there are individual balconies for each of the
30 rooms in the inn. Each room has a double door leading into the room
from the balcony. The front door of the first floor is made of heavy
blackened oak some six inches thick. Beyond the door is the main
central passage that leads to the two taprooms off of the passage or to
the staircase leading up to the second floor.
The taprooms contain twenty tables each, which are secured to the floors to prevent anyone from dislodging them in the event of a brawl. Each table seats four. In each corner of the taprooms is one of the eight armor golems which are instructed by the barkeep to escort anyone being disruptive outside. The bar extends from the wall of the central passage almost to the far wall, where a small swinging door is hung to separate the main floor area from the area behind the bar. Behind the bar are always four large barrel kegs stocked with the standard inn fare, and one smaller keg that contains the barkeep's own special brew, known as Cooky's Best.
The taproom area is illuminated by "glowsteels" hung from pulleys on the ceiling. The glowsteels are metal plates that have continual faerie fire cast on the by the owner.
The second floor contains the Emporium. Twelve shelves are evenly spaced along the walls, containing the standard fare of a typical general store. There are four pillars that support the roof of this floor, each four feet square with miscellaneous suits of standard armor hung from them on display. There is a small raised counter that sits off to the left side of the staircase entrance. Behind the counter sits the halfling "Tallfellow". Tallfellow is actually a hairfoot only three feet tall. Tallfellow is always polite to the patrons, especially when they ask for curious goods or ask for information on obtaining the harder to find goods this establishment sells.
The third floor of the building is the inn section. There is a central passageway running lengthwise down the building lined with 15 rooms on each side. All rooms come with a full bed, a wooden tub for bathing, a basin and fresh towels, along with a large trunk for locking away any valuables the traveler may have.
The fourth floor is off limits to all patrons, except those seeking the special items that are not displayed in the Emporium. This floor has the private apartments of Tennirra herself. The staircase leads up to a narrow end of the room. The room has deep blue carpeting and a sunken fireplace in the center, surrounded by a plush couch and a table made of solid black marble.
There are six doors in this room leading to Tennirra's workshop
(close to stairs, on left), Tennirra's library, Tennirra's bed chambers,
Tennirra's lab, Tennirra's study, and Tennirra's vault. The patrons
will only see the main chamber and the study while on this floor. All
other rooms require a magical keyword, spoken by Tennirra, to enter.
Description of business:
The Emporium is an inn, tavern, and general store that also deals
in curious or hard to find items. Patrons may also speak to Tennirra to
see about acquiring specialty items such as magic items or components,
if the price is right.
Submitted by
Randall E. Hitchcock